Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cautious:OnTeens Getting plastic surgery

Most families, whose daughter died 18 years, which is probably a pulmonary embolism after a liposuction, some parents may wonder if the teenage cosmetic treatments are safe. Firstly, the procedure of his own pocket, and the costs removed the possibility for many young people. Secondly, young people have problems and concerns that the change he expects the rule is desirable, because they do not, over time. If this should not change, they can modify it if adults. The plastic surgery is serious and treat most parents too, as an independent consultant for plastic surgery patients 12 years of experience, I can assure you that there is no "epidemic" of youth , Plastic surgery.
If your expectations are not realistic, and you have low self-esteem, if not friends, cosmetic surgery is not the correct answer. Much more, I recommend you advice. But if a young person has a good self-respect and good care by the family can understand what is happening and has realistic expectations, then the operation can be displayed. The need to know all these things, making the consultation so critical.
Like millions of young people start their last before the summer university, and are just not prepared for cosmetic surgery for the benefits of the long payback period and a passage of a peer group to another.

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